I Am Shimmering Goddess Energy


The Loch Raven Review
Shirley J. Brewer’s Wild Girls, Reviewed by Dan Cuddy

Shirley Brewer’s new book, Wild Girls, is top notch in range and in colorful poetry. It has humor and seriousness. It relates the personal as well as the historical, and also the mythical. It is a book written for women, but also accessible to men. Ms. Brewer is skilled in poetic craft.

Two Sylvias Press National Newsletter

Two Sylvias Press is an independent press located in the Seattle area. We publish poetry, memoir, essays, books on the craft of writing, and creativity tools.  

Q&A with Shirley J. Brewer

Q: Over how long a period did you write the poems in your new collection?

A: The poems in Wild Girls were written over a number of years. Several are more than 10 years old. Some are much more recent. I started putting the collection together in August of 2015, so it’s taken time to become a whole book.

Voyage Baltimore

“I had always loved poetry and creative writing. I wrote fairy tales in third grade. And some poems in high school and college. In 1995 I took a Creative Writing Workshop at Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts in Annapolis, and that was the start of my immersion in Writing!”

Review of Wild Girls by Charles Rammelkamp

“Who knew George Custer even had a wife? Or Wild Bill Hickok, for that matter? Or ever heard about Elizabeth Patterson, the “Belle of Baltimore” who married Napoleon Bonaparte’s younger brother Jérôme, the marriage annulled by the Emperor himself, even after Betsy gave birth to their son? Or biblical Noah’s wife? Job’s wife? Or King’s wife, i.e., Mrs. Kong (“Dumb ape, / gaga for that ditzy bleached blonde”)? In Wild Girls, Shirley Brewer turns the spotlight on these females and more.”